
A beat without a Bass



7 Years

07-02-2014, 09:39 PM

The whole world seemed to stop around them, all there was was sadness and pain, an overwhelming sensation. Bass simply did not know what to do with himself, he felt like a leave lost in the currents of the wind. Left, right, up, down. It was all beginning to make him feel rather ill. He dearly cared for Cecily, although in what form that was unknown. He felt that they were both too young for love, they both had a lot of growing up to do until they could do that. She was more like his closest friend, a special friend that occupied a rather special place in his heart. It was too difficult to think on, so he tried to focus on anything else. Anything at all. He wanted no more pain for his Cecily, no more hurt. If she came with him, he could protect her and make sure that she would forever be a princess.

The young girl seemed to calm down, making Bass squint open his eyes and remove his paws from his ears. He was acting much like a child as well, trying to hide himself from his problems, literally. He shook his head sadly, a soft and broken sigh leaving his maw. "No Cecy, I'm not staying in Valhalla. I have found a new place to call my own, which is why I want you with me. Its not the same without my Cecily by my side." He offered her a soft smile, although it did not quite reach his eyes. She went on to ask him more things, and his smile grew into a true one. "You will always be my princess Cecy. You could even go around and tell everyone that you are Abaven's new princess." He let out a soft laugh, rising into a seated position.

When she asked a question about bossing her around, his head shook firmly. "I won't be all bossy to you Cecily, unless its training and that's only because that is pretty much what training is. And things will be just as we were, we can go on plenty of adventures together." Sure, as an Alpha he had a ton of things to do, but he also had the freedom to do as he saw fit. An adventure with Cecily sounded like a grand idea.
