


07-02-2014, 10:19 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2014, 12:12 AM by Xae.)
Out-of-Character Name: Dr. Snakes
How did you get here?: I was on Ala before it moved to EOP, and popped in from time to time once it moved.
Age: Twenty.

Character's Name: Xae Vaux.
Age: One.
Season of Birth: Autumn.
Adult Height: Thirty-three inches.

Appearance Description:
Xae can quite simply be physically described in word word: long. The deep russet-shaded canine has a long, narrow snout, leading up to a light, slender face and tall, soot-dusted ears. He possess a long neck, though it is only slightly longer than average, and only the most perceptive of creatures may notice the abnormal length. His neck is muscled with sinewy, lean tissue, and his slender shoulders and thick-boned limbs hide the same, lean muscles beneath his hide. He has a deep chest cavity, which supports large lungs and a large heart, helping to aid the wolf in covering long distances. The one thing that doesn't really seem to help Xae when it comes to.speed is his tail, which is long and, like the rest of him, covered in long, dark russet strands. The very tip of the boy's tail brushes the ground wherever he walks.

Although he certainly looks fast, Xae also has quite the puplike appearance. His paws seem too large for his body, and it seems unlikely his ears will ever fully erect. Xae's entire pelt is painted a deep, dark russet, aside from his ears, muzzle, paws, and tail tip. Much like a siamese cat, all of the wolf's points are colored differently from the rest of his body. Each of his points have been lightly dusted in a jet black color, darker than any night Xae has ever witnessed. His eyes are a light grey color. Though they have such a listless color, the young lupine's eyes are filled with curiousity and a burning desire to access as much knowledge as he can. Xae stands at thirty-three inches tall, but weighs a comparatively slight one hundred pounds.

Proof of Purchases: N/A.