


07-02-2014, 10:36 PM

She didn't want to hear it, didn't want to talk about it and yet her demanded it. She would look away from him, falling back on her haunches lazily and allowing her gaze to wander the lands as he seemed to sort through his thoughts. In the distance she could see Mount Volkan and a small smile would touch her lips at the sight despite the fact that Crucifix seemed to be having a meltdown before her. When he spoke again a hardened gaze would turn back to him despite the fact that she forced a small smile. "Stop Cru? I hate you for it but we're going to bury this in the forest. Just? Not with Sib? Please. She is my best friend?" Her chin would tip down as she looked at him before sighing. Why Sibelle? Her dear sweet Sibelle. She had told Sibelle that she would hurt anyone who tried to take her from Vi and though she had said it half jokingly she had been serious. Sibelle was hers just as Crucifix was hers. They were the first to begin her pack, the ones to hold rank before the pack was even made.

When he spoke of the reason that he had chosen this place she would look away from him and nod slowly as she continued to gaze around. "I had thought of whispering woods but this is nice. Thank you? That mountain there was my home for the majority of my life here?" She said easily, motioning towards Mount Volakn that could be seen looming in the distance. It was her first home in these lands. It had been the place she had hung onto for so long, remaining loyal to the land but not to the leader. She had stuck around throughout many leaders, had plotted the demise of many, had followed a few loyally. Such memories were there. Would she expand to there eventually? Or should she go elsewhere?