
The Bomb Dot Com



07-02-2014, 11:50 PM

His shoulder attack would hit his mark, his adversary pivoting to keep in front of him. Eyes would turn to slits, ears remaining pinned to his head as he felt teeth slice through Drashiel's cheek. His hind legs would push forward when he felt his opponent fall back in step, his momentum seemed to have pushed him back, toes splaying and claws digging into the ground to give him traction. His defenses would remain intact, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, toes splayed, claws digging into the earth, body tensed, shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunched, teeth bared, tail aligned with his spine as his head was lowered, streamlining his body. He would see the boy lunge forward, and it would cause him to swerve his head away from Drashiel, teeth baring and a hiss escaping his teeth as he felt teeth latching onto a part of his skin, just on the side of his middle side of his neck where Drashiel's teeth would sink in to create laceration wounds approximately two-three inches deep. Although it would miss muscle, just barely. Raw's head movement was not quick enough, and so his opponents teeth had snagged skin and the top layer of muscle, his head tearing it from his opponents grasp. That perhaps, would leave a scar about 3 inches long. Although Raw did not mind, for the more scars he attained the more experience he would perchance gain in the fields of battle.

He felt Drashiel rise up, and in turn Raw would push forth, hoping to unbalance his brother as Drashiel's paws attempted to rise. Raw would spread his weight equally, while his left paw shot out to hook around Drashiel's right, to try and further unbalance his movements and deter him from putting his paws around his neck. Raw's head would then snap back towards Drashiel, jaws agape as they strove towards Drashiel's head once again. This time, aiming for a similar spot his brother had tried on him. Teeth sought to grasp onto the right side of Drashiel's neck, to attempt to latch on and cause his brother to lose wind. Simultaneously, his body would pivot to his own left, to form a sort of T shape as he would continue his pushing movements to upset his brothers footing.

OOC// Very sorry if this does not make sense, I am under the influence of heavy medication as of late for internal injuries. PM me if you need clarity.