
welcome to the danger zone


07-19-2014, 10:17 PM

The fear radiated upon her skin, her heart beating like a war drum against her chest. The horrid feeling that she hated the most. Ears would pull back as a bubbling maniacal laugh would leave his lips, eyes widening as his large body came closer and closer to her. Though as he drew closer and closer, she took a step away. She didn't like the closeness. Not at all. "No no, that will not do. I insist little bird, come with" She lowered her gaze, pupils dilating for a moment before she snapped her head up. "Leave me alone!" She spat with venom, speech a distorted combination of innocence, fear and annoyance. Tail waved behind her as she backed away.

She knew exactly what was about to become. Lips would peel back to reveal her teeth, pearly white and early in age. She would not let him take her innocence away. Not now, not ever. "You'll be much safer with me, you're not from around here, yes? I can keep you safe, lass." A snarl erupted from her figure, eyes narrowing in displeasure. Safe. A lie. She could almost laugh, but she dared not to in this case. He couldn't keep her safe. She was safer on her own anyway. She would not be fooled from his charm, she couldn't see how anyone could be. Lowering herself to the ground, to defend herself, to defend her innocence, she lowered her tail, covering on her stomach and rear side. "Just.. just leave me alone.. please.." She whispered as she lowered herself once more, gaze leaving his as fear once settled upon her figure.

"Talk" "You" Think