
unearthly refrain


05-05-2013, 01:44 AM

"Yearning, yes. you are yet a stranger, afterall - and i, in my intimacy - craves to know you in a manner less discreet, and formal," lucrecia's silky gaze emits warmly, burning a woman's soft, mysteriously passionate scrutiny. attractively-lidded, noire lashes unfurled in thick, luxurious whisps - shadowing her temple in a smoky crown of obsidian gold; gently caressing her cheekbones, smoothing against her pale flesh in black rivers of khol, that cut the flawless, oriental beauty of her skin. she slips gracefully, seething muscles unwinding in lithe supremacy, predacious grace accentuating the movements of her sultry gestures. the slenderness of her curvaceous physique drenched in celestial radiance, were traced in a wild silhouette of desire and carnal abandonment; as the sunlight drips amongst the swelling allurement of her curves, she too, shivered; sliding in a graceful, serpentine rhythm that synched with the rolling momentum of her toned, feline hips. lucrecia finds his presence strangely gentle, bewitching in a discreet notion; a soft, calming benediction she were unaccustomed to, knowing the harsh and violent world of men.

it were intriguing, his effeminacy were attractive to her yet, fore he seemed a man who slept with thousands of secrets; his icy, plain visage masking his deepest intentions, his sins carefully deceived, wrapped by the simplicity of his earthly, and poetic countenance. he possessed the demure empathy of a bard; a musician, weaving his hunger behind bars of feigned apathy, glacial complication. her gaze never leaves him, touching the lines of his face as though from mere glancing she desired to unravel his secrets. smouldering in a womanly, and fiery inhibition, her lips curved glinting in silvery fangs; laced in a hidden contagion of venomous wants, venomous needs, as her soul dances towards him in a breath of ravishing fire. so eager to burn and consume, such was the avidity of lucrecia's poisoned and self-destructive demeanor. yet, he, he somehow lulls her bestial ache, temporarily soothing her malevolent affliction; her fiery wrath subsiding in a lucrative and smoky hiss. "and you?" she breathes, hissing delicately; she, in her sensual purring, slips ever closer. feeling their warmth radiate softly between their bodies. her eyes to his eyes, fore she were tall and supple-framed; carved in feminine bravura, the lean silhouette of cunning, and vicious huntress.

she settles, twisting elegantly across the floor, her shadowy reflection sighing in the clandestine eerie; misting in a thick, seething blackness as it drips against the ground, panting beside her. her tail slides against the willowy countours of her slim bodice, slithering to wrap her frame; caressing her talons in avid plumes, feathered in mused disarray. the lithe appetency of her compelling expressions, bewitching and fox-like, further enticed the darkness swelling within her. and her eyes, how they gleamed; an infernal promise. "what are your wants? what do you yearn most in this world?"