
Singing Songs with You



7 Years

07-03-2014, 02:13 AM

It had been a few days since he had left Wren, both of them rather at a loss for words. He felt a bit awkward about the whole thing, and he hated that they had left on a sour note. She had brought up feelings that he didn't even know were there, but that his body reacted to. Bass wasn't sure how he felt about this, but all in all he liked Wren and wanted to see her again. He was sure that they would be grand friends if they tried, and pushed away all that... none joking stuff. He rather liked to joust and tease, it was a part of who he was and it would most likely never drop it. Why would he? It made for some pretty interesting conversations.

The young Azat was careful not to tred upon Ludicael's land, he knew that it was ran by his grandparents but he still wished to be respectful. He was an alpha of a different pack, he just couldn't waltz right into their lands. So the pale brute was careful to stay on his side of the border, kind of killing two birds with one stone as he freshened up their markers. When Bass found a small rise in the landscape, he trotted up the slight incline and rested his bodice on the top. Looking up at the star filled night he just sat and thought for a little bit, his golden eyes shimmering as the lights above him danced. What was it that he had felt with Wren? It was never something that he felt with Cecily, but he cared greatly for that young girl. Was there something different between the two ladies that made him feel as such? Bass was unsure, and it was simply too much to put his mind on.

His pelt shimmering in the moonlight, the boy gazed over his grandparents land. Would the dame he sought even be awake at this hour? It was long past daylight, but he wanted to see her again. He did suggest that they meet and sing one time, and tonight seemed to be the perfect night for singing. Taking in a deep breath, the male's head tipped back as his own unique song. His howl rang out across the otherwise quiet lands, his deep bass notes flowing into the darkness. He called out for one being alone, asking for her by name. Hopefully Wren would hear his call, and Bass hoped that she was not awakened by it. Lowering his head into its normal position he waited, his golden gaze half lidded.