
Intermission from the world



3 Years
07-03-2014, 07:29 AM

Talvi didn't often venture from the Glaciem lands, her last experience of doing so had led to her facing a rather shocking and unpleasant discovery. It had taken the girl some time after that to get herself back up to her usual standards, displeased and hurt by the revelations she had found. Her father had simply abandoned her, her mother and siblings though in favour of another family it seemed. She still hadn't dared to ask Argent for the truth on the matter, she had only just gotten her mother back after all and didn't want to bring up the past. What did it matter really now anyway? She had never known him and it didn't seem likely to change when he had his other children to care for.

Once more she would make her way out of the lands, with the epidemic far behind them now as well, the change of season bringing about other changes Talvi had found her usual confidence returning to her once more and with it the urge to explore. Perhaps this time she would find herself with better luck for locating her missing sisters or maybe even run into Eris and set the minds of the pack at ease. The former healer simply had to be ok.

Instead however as misfortune would have it, Talvi would come across a familiar form lying in the grass though it wasn't one that she could say she cared to see again. Introductions hadn't actually been given on their last meeting, only the knowledge that they were half-siblings. She had come to terms with it now though it still wasn't a fact she liked in the slightest. "You again." She would state simply, her voice certainly lacking warmth as she eyed the other girl. She may have pushed the feelings away but there was a bit of anger rising within her once more, what on earth did this girl and her family have that made them so much more desirable to the man that had sired them?