


07-03-2014, 08:39 AM

Would he ever understand it? Would he ever understand that it hurt her to most because he had not only been with her best friend but he had seemed to actually care for her? Sibelle was a strong, independent, amazing woman. Anything that anyone could ever want and honestly Vi was curious why the woman was still single. Crucifix could have easily transferred all that love and adoration he felt towards her to Sibelle, he could have packed up and left for her. But no. He had stopped because of her. Her chest tightened at that thought. Desiree knew after all, she wasn't an idiot, she could sense it. It pained her but she had to seperate herself from this man at least for the time being. They couldn't have the relationship they once had, no. Vi had to focus on her wife and family for now, he was too young to understand. At least until they abandoned her, as the goddess's loved ones had abandoned her. Vi knew her future, knew what lurked in the dark confines of her mind. She had seen it before, had embraced it, when her mind had sent her following Morphine before her demise. But then there was Desiree... The purple nymph who had somehow gently pushed that darkness to the back and sealed it behind lock and key. Would it one day burst forth?

Who would stand by a mad woman then?

No one... She didn't deserve to have anyone stand by her when that darkness finally burst forth. Her mind was refocused as he spoke again and lazy gaze would drift towards him as dead tones reached her ears. She had hurt him... Something in her mind didn't click, remorse or sorrow not kicking in like it would with any normal being. She didn't respond to his words at first, not the first comment at least and the second she would mearly sigh, tensing muscles of her left shoulder and allowing the now familiar pain to arc through her body. Should she take it back? Desiree had not seemed pleased with her decision to put Crucifix in charge. Maybe she should appoint another... "I will return to my position for now. I may have to appoint another though, should someone come for my crown I'm not exactly well enough to fend them off... Will you be returning to your old rank?" Did she expect him to? She wasn't sure how she felt anymore, not sure how she should feel. Should she ask him to leave despite wanting him so deapratly to stay?