
Paws and Claws


05-05-2013, 03:03 AM
Allaire watched as the rather rude, but brave male take his leave, it was kinda sad, she was starting to like the fellow, in an endearing sort of way. But he did smell of other pack, and thus could not stay anyway. But she, she was ready for a new beginning, and new family. She wanted to fit in , more than anything! When Jupiter started to talk she was jerked out of her thoughts and brought back to what was happening now. "Oh, Ima Allaire!" She wagged her tail as the little black warrior sniffed at her legs. He was a small thing, and that was saying something for her, she was not exactly big herself. Then Jupiter started to move, and she did not want to be left behind!

She nodded to the little guy and then started to fallow behind the Alpha. "I was born a year ago in the desert!" She was proud of her heritage, not everyone could live in a area that saw as little water as a desert. That and she was unafraid to say anything that came to mind. "This is a nice play you have here, I have never seen so much green in one place! You guys must get lots of rainfall!" Allaire bounded about, sniffing at all the different plants, her young mind not staying on one thought for more then a second or two.

"I have only seen it rain once, it was like a party, my parents where jumping up and down and playing like pups!" She smiled at the tidbit of memory, she had been young when it had rained, a few months old and not allowed to leave the den but she was board and her parents where howling with such joy, so she had snuck out of the small hole in the sand. She had looked in wonder as water just fell from the sky, her eyes large and full of wonder. It did not bother her that soon after her adventure started it ended with her mother finding her and then replacing her back into the den, with stern words to stay. And after that day she had not seen rain, even after she left the desert she had not, which according to her was normal.