
Gimme some drama.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-03-2014, 12:53 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2014, 01:35 PM by Epiphron.)
Anthem Destruction ? male ? single ? 5 years old ? Ludicael
mentally handicapped - cautious - slow - trusting

  • A friend to help guide him, as a mentor of sorts.
  • A woman for him to crush on (whether or not it is reciprocated).
  • Children for him to play with.
Ara ? female ? heart is taken ? 1 year old ? Ludicael
healer-in-training - reserved - altruistic - daydreamer
  • Younger children to teach the art of healing.
  • Sick wolves to heal and care for.
  • Friends that she feels comfortable with.
Bronze ? male ? taken by Silent ? 11 years old ? Ludicael
cold - distant - loyal - fierce
  • Companions to chat with.
  • Someone to maim him in the future and possibly contribute to his death.

Epiphron Adreavendi-Mathias ? female ? married to Maverick ? 3 years old ? rogue
proud - slightly narcissistic - steadfast - regal
  • Family to reunite with.
  • Men to flirt with (she's still not over being cheated on).
July Kalendae ? male ? single ? 2 years old ? rogue
kind - familial - joyful - loving
  • A pack to join (learning towards Olympus with June, or Tortuga with August, his siblings).
  • Friends of any kind.
  • A woman for him to grow fond of.
Kaprasius Sigrunn Finnvi ? male ? single ? 4 years old ? rogue
hedonistic - manic - flamboyant - religious
  • Enemies who question or mock his faith (he is prone to maim and fight when threatened).
  • Men and women for him to have one night stands with, or perhaps more, if they fit in with his beliefs and lifestyle.
  • Children and innocents to corrupt and teach.
Quintus Nero Adravendi-Mathias ? male ? single ? 1 year old ? rogue
arrogant - boisterous - unreserved - stubborn
  • A pack to join, now that Valhalla has been taken over.
  • A crush to straighten him out a bit.
  • Anyone to talk to, basically. He's a lonely kid.
Lysis Armada ? female ? single ? 1 year old ? Glaciem
sweet - calculating - proud - manipulative
  • Siblings to get to know better (or to fall for!)
  • Enemies of Glaciem to start a rivalry with.
  • Younger wolves to spar with for practice.
Saga Destruction ? female ? single ? pup ? Ludicael
restless - guarded - quarrelsome - posessive
  • Family to grow close to (particularly the more darkly aligned Destructions!)
  • A crush of sorts -- I could picture a love/hate relationship between them at first?
  • Anyone to give her guidance, or even manipulate her.

I am pretty open for most things happening to my chars, and I love drama, so feel free to bounce ideas off me!