
Raindrops and Galaxies


07-06-2014, 11:58 AM

Emerald eyes gazed intensively at the the newcomer. Winter was unsure of him. Especially when he spoke of a quest? Dusk Oaks. Such a name fit the dark figure - his pelt resembling the darkening sky. Winter held his breath for a moment and exhaled loudly. His thoughts raced through his mind rapidly. "What if's" took over his brain as if it were a wildfire. What was Dusk in search of doing? What if it involved something that could lead to greatness? What if this quest led him to becoming something more than a typical loner? Maybe even a legend? Ah, but what if this involved nothing but chasing fairies and leprechauns?

You have my interest. Tell me about your quest. What does this quest involve? What is your end goal, my friend?

Winter's voice was laced with his curiosity. Subtle, warm, and yet had a professional tone about it. As if they were already business partners. This adventure may or may not be a good idea, but Winter's impulsive personality kept him from thinking it through thoroughly. All that Winter hoped is that it was to lead him to some sort of fame. Having another canine along would also ensure his safety. Two of them would be much stronger than each of them alone.

The mist began to kiss his pelt once more and a thunder rumbled in the distance. Not a loud noise, but a gentle one like a cat's purr. Clouds covered the stars, though the moon shone through with its brilliant glow.

You know - I think you have a partner to join you on your adventure.

Winter decided that the details did not matter. His curiosity had gripped him in an inescapable hold. How he could never forget turning down such an interesting opportunity! Besides, if they were chasing fairy-tales, he could always vanish as he has always done. Vanishing was his expertise.


ooc; sorry for the slow response. i have been car shopping for the past few days.