
A Call to His Highness


07-03-2014, 04:23 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2014, 06:59 PM by Xae.)

It seemed his call was answered much quicker than Xae had ever expected. Within what seemed to be mere seconds, he caught sight of a tiny white dot, far in the distance. That white dot soon turned into the blurred, obscure form of a tiny wolf, which morphed into quite a large almost completely pure white wolf racing toward him. For a split second, Xae's slightly bent ears pressed back against his dark orange-red skull, and the beginnings of a growl bubbled in his deep chest. The growl was cut off before it ever reached his throat, however, and his ears loosened, moving down rather than directly pinned, turning into a more indecisive ear setting than a defensive one. The muscles above his dull grey eyes tightened, bringing the fur of his 'brows' closer together. This hadn't been what he'd expected. The white wolf had practically bounded up, jaws open and tongue hanging out.

The pale wolf, with only a strip of brown on his muzzle and streaks of brown just under his amber eyes, must have been Xae's age, and yet, he seemed to tower over the smaller, russet male. He was only three inches shorter, but he had to be almost a hundred pounds lighter. For a moment, the young male couldn't help but stare, and, he admitted, be somewhat intimidated. But the white male, Bass, he'd introduced, was quite friendly. At least, his voice certainly was. From the stories he'd heard, Xae was shocked he hadn't immediately recognized the alpha, the Azat. But, he supposed that was because he had never seen him until that point.

Giving a polite nod, he opened his mouth to speak before a sudden, darker figure slid in beside Bass. She seemed almost jet black compared to her pale companion. In fact, she seemed almost the complete opposite of Bass in appearance, and Xae assumed that this new wolf was perhaps a sibling, or a relative of some sort. She winked at him. That was new. Xae chose not to respond to the winking, as he was not quite sure how to respond, and again directed his attention to Bass. "It is a pleasure, Sir Bass, Azat of Adaven." Manners had always been important to Xae's mother, and everyone was to be referred to as 'sir' or 'ma'am' unless otherwise stated. "My name is Xae. I am, indeed, interested in a spot in Adaven." He allowed Bass - and the dark brown female - a brief, polite smile and another nod. He glanced at the darker she-wolf only once more, a curious gaze, the only thing sparking in his otherwise dull eyes.
