
when the world splits open


05-05-2013, 07:38 AM

He came, the sound of her call had brought him to her, his gaze seemed to rove over who was with her and she saw the flicker of betrayal. Before she had any time to process that look another wave of pain sliced threw her abdomen. Her ears fell back as she groaned with the rapture that seemed to consume her. She had missed the snippet of words exchanged between Zara and Kaios. What ever had been said Zara had ignored it and come to rest behind her. She turned her head to rest it on her friends shoulder and she attempted to breath as the contractions intensified and the next pup was demanding release into this world. Instinct told her to push even if she wanted to linger on the pain. The little male soon broke free into the world and she turned to clean him. He was smaller then the first pup. He was a little black and crushed velvet thing. He whimpered softly as he struggled to make his way towards her side. He seemed so tiny and her gaze shifted towards Kaios.

?I?m sorry love. I called for Champion because I knew of her past healing abilities. I never pressed for her to be a medic but she was the only one I could think of to help me with the birth.? She said honestly, she remembered Champion telling her that they had demanded she be a healer when all she wanted to do was be a warrior. She had offered her that and more and was content to keep her as the beta of Amenti ?Yes, so far you have a daughter and now a son. I am sure that I have another to deliver but the pain..? she mused as another wave hit her and she closed her eyes to enjoy it. She pushed against Zara for support and comfort as she rode the wave. When it was over Champion had made her way into the den, excusing herself to help coach her with the last pup. Zara had asked her if she had thought of names and she smiled.

?This little monster.? She said, looking at her daughter ?will be named Amevia Synclaire.? She said with a smile it seemed the little girl took after her when she was a new born, pushy and demanding. ?The little boy, he?ll be Salamander.? She said with an affectionate smile. Her gaze shifted towards kaios and her affection seemed to grow as she looked at him. ?I am happy you are here.? She said wistfully. They had been a fling at first. It had been a simple release of mixed hormones raging between them. She hadn?t expected to see him after she found she was pregnant. Then he had come to claim her and she hadn?t fought him. She was curious what it would be like to belong to someone, to really belong to them, and so she had let him stand beside her even if it wasn?t the wisest choice of a mate.

The sentimental moment seemed to pass as the contractions stole her breath away and it took everything she had to remember to breathe. She didn?t want the pain to be over. She heard Champion urge her to breathe and to push. If she didn?t push the last pup out she would be risking his or her life. She had worked hard to avoid as much as she could to protect her unborn pups and she wouldn?t allow her desires for torment to take its life. Soon enough the last of the three pups emerged into the world. Yet he seemed less inclined to eat and more inclined to push into her. Something in her seemed to snap and reform. Tears started to well up in her eyes as she looked towards Kaios and she laughed happily, ?Look at our little family.? She said with a smile, she had meant the pups, kaios, Zara, and Champion. They were all her family in her eyes. She was so happy to have them all with her during this precious time. She felt her last son snuggling into her and she nudged him towards her teats to eat. He shoved into Salamander and Amevia pushed back. The poor little male seemed so distraught and was whimpering in protest. She wondered if she fed him herds if he would bulk up and push back against his siblings. ?This last pup, his name is Basilisk.? She said finally, all three pups had been named and she was happy to have their father here for their birthday.

?I?m so grateful for all of you. The world was always twisting on me. mocking me and here you all stand by me when I was in need and I cannot fathom to you the depths of my affections for each of you.? She said threw a hiccup. She was feeling overwhelmed with affection and love and it was an odd emotion that she was unsure how to dispel.