
A Call to His Highness



10 Years
07-03-2014, 05:28 PM

Another stranger was in the Abaven borderline. A call sang through the lands, causing the mocha capped female to shake her head as she began to lope forth, mismatched gems ignorant of their little game. 'I'm just going to give up and leave it to Bass and Motif. I'm always busy when someone rings.' She sighed lightly, looking up to the wind, the scent of the white male clinging to her coal black nostrils. Yes, he had bested her yet again. As she approached, she found the figure of her brown sibling as well, whose pelt seemed to be an inversion of her brother. She gave a light chuckle as she heard the male's speech. "Bass, you know I'm busy with training in herbalism. I give up on our little game." Her sing-song voice rang into the ears of her kin, before her mocha capped crown would turn to the stranger, examining his stature. He was not one built for fighting, a rather small wolf, just taller than she. "I am Harmony, the healer within the Abaven pride." She gave a dip of respect to the male for not crossing over the lines of the border, as if she would have cleaved him to pieces like any other wolf.

She desired to hear his cause, to hear of what path he would choose for training. Perhaps that of a messenger would suit the boy. Her mocha capped crown bobbed as she reclined, a seat falling neatly into place as she curled her plush tail neatly about her own pearly paws, keeping her figure much more composed than when the newest Mruni, Mirabelle, had joined the Abaven ranks. 'Already, my brother is a successful leader. He leads a pack of pure heart and soul... The pack is already growing so large. I just hope that another healer joins the ranks of Abaven so I am apt to have a partner to train with.' With her string of thoughts, her mocha capped crown tipped upwards, mismatched gems thoughtful toward the stranger. 'Would he choose the path of a healer?'
