
Oh Such Sweet Joy

Ezekiel I


05-05-2013, 09:14 AM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2013, 06:12 PM by Jupiter I.)
[Image: ezekiel_by_wolftaske-d60lag9.png]


with him being a tiny speck cast against a slightly cloudy sky, it was no wonder why it was easy for him to go unnoticed. he moved in a lazy pattern--not circling, as circling was suspicious--but in a manner that caused him to seem as if he had better things to do than stalk the mother and her pups as she had been doing. they had been easy to find on the plains, as it was obvious they hadn't counted on some terror from above such as he. the seemingly-crazed vulture was, despite the ease in which he could devour them, not interested in the pups. no, their bones would be undesirable; they would be frail and no fun to drop from the sky and shatter. he couldn't allow for such an opportunity to go to waste. there had to be someone hunting for the lass and her offspring. he knew there had to be.

and he was right.

ezekiel wasted no time in the plummet as the deceased beast was set upon the ground. his wings folded to his side and his body weight descended with terrifying speeds. there was little to warn them of his approach--only the very, very slight whistling of his body through the air, which sounded identical to the whine of the flies and other various winged insects that infested the plains. when he was only several feet above the entrance to the den in which the lad had disappeared into, though, his massive, nine-foot wingspan snapped outwards with a sound similar to the crack of a whip, and the male swooped inside, movement slowed by his wings so he wouldn't crash into anything, but quick enough to where he still had a relative chance to catch they by complete surprise. his beak snapped outwards toward a bouncing leg of the calf, snagging it, and the bearded vulture began to withdraw, massive wings flapping furiously and taking up most of the passage out.

whether or not his flailing and potentially dangerous wings would keep the wolves from retaliating or not, ezekiel was not about to stick around and find out. the bird felt the leg give away to his assaults as it was ripped from the carcass, and he was forced to hop once with surprise before he was in the air again and exiting the cave, moving up out of reach before deciding to inspect his prize.