
Chasing rubies, chasing gold

Dutiron i


8 Years
07-03-2014, 08:12 PM

The explanation given was the one he had feared might be the case, had desperately hoped wasn't true. He had certainly thought Novella to be sensible and yet what on earth was she playing at now, inviting a rogue not only into the pack lands but her den as well? He could certainly understand Novel's worries and reasoning for shouting at the girl, though he would remain silent for a moment as he watched the two wolves before him, mind pondering over what could be done about this situation now.

Novella would speak up, pointing out that Frith wished to join. He dared not question the details too much on how the dark man had arrived in Ludicael or how he had ended up in Novella's den though his gaze would fix upon his daughter for a moment. "So you thought it wise to invite him into our home yourself?" His voice was still calm though it was obvious that he too was disappointed in Novella. She unfortunately didn't not make it easy for him to be mad at her but surely she realised the dangers, what on earth had she been thinking, or rather why hadn't she?

Gaze would now move to look towards Frith, leaving his daughter to think on her mistake. "Is she speaking the truth then, Frith, do you wish to join our pack?" He would pause for a moment before continuing with a similar question to prompt some thought into the boy's head this time. "Did you not think it best to wait and speak with the leaders first?"