
& i dream about you all the time


05-05-2013, 11:25 AM

Curling into the male was the best thing she had done in a long time. Possibly even the smartest thing she had done. As Lovatt lay his head on her's she felt as if she were in paradise. All thoughts of anything but her lover escaped her mind, and for the first time in a long time she was truly happy. If she had any say in it, nothing would take him from her, she wouldn't allow it.

She was glad he had waited on her even though she had no idea who he was when they met again. She silently thanked her mind as it was slowly returning her memories. Her favorite memories so far were of them and their siblings playing together near the stream, before they were forced apart and everything fell into nothing but a memory. His next words made her look up into his equally blue eyes and smile wide, he would love her forever...just as she would love him AND he wanted to meet Rumble and Pepper.

This man was truly unlike any other. He accepted her, thought she was amazing, and thought that of children he hadn't even known about until moments ago. "Lovatt, I would never keep you from my...our children, they grew up with no father and now they have one, however not related by blood, that that actually cares about them." Her voice was soft and full of love
