
Just Can't Win


07-04-2014, 02:34 AM

Faust was infuriating to say the least. He seemed to know just how to push her buttons, and it irked her to know end that even when they first met- he seemed to get such a rise out of her. Some things had changed when he'd saved her life from the cliff, but some things, she supposed would always remain the same. She hadn't decided what her feelings were for him, or if she had any. She just knew that he made her feel safe, and that wasn't a feeling she was used too. Yeah, he was a bit of an asshole- but.. she couldn't find herself annoyed enough to rid herself of him.. yet.

When Azalea spoke, Roman's jaws fell shut as she listened. Her frown deepened, and though a smile flickered at her jaws, it fell quickly, as Azalea went on. Oh god, what had she gotten herself into? Letting out an exasperated sigh, she groaned. "Oh god." She was going to be fat. The babies were going to be ugly or stupid or ugly. She let out a sigh, a slight growl of frustration leaving her. "I am going to fix Faust so this never happens again." She cursed aloud. She was silent for a moment... "Is it worth it... though?"

At Azalea's words about Tortuga, Roman smiled slightly. "The forest is gorgeous in the summer. When the damn snow melts, I honestly couldn't imagine being anywhere else. The grasses are thick, the leaves green. It's a slice of heaven." She said with a slight sigh. "Though what I saw from the plains, Valhalla is also a slice of heaven." She said with a smile.
