
Change in Pace


05-05-2013, 03:43 PM

((no worries, sorry for the wait on this too >.>))

The red female sat delicately, one forepaw lifted in an attempt to keep the white fur clean from the slightly sandy bank. She had never enjoyed the feeling of things in her fur and for some reason the feeling of things between her toes such as sand. It was one of the main reasons she avoided beaches so much. And though this wasn't so much a beach, the shore more pebbly then sandy she still shifted uncomfortably, each forepaw lifting and shifting after a few moments to shake each out and rid her toe of pebbles. But as the female spoke Vi's attention returned to her new company. Head tipped curiously, as her words floated softly towards her. She didn't respond, simply meeting the female's gaze as she lifted her eyes. She seemed familiar, an old face in this pack but absent for a while. Had Vi accepted her? God she couldn't remember, it had been so long ago and her memory seemed to be getting worse and worse.

More words floated towards her and Vi lifted herself slowly, suddenly curious about what exactly this female was seeing. White paws broke the surface and she stayed in the shallows, gazing down at her own reflection curiously. Muzzle lowered slowly, nose touching the surface and causing ripples to expand from there and outwards. What did she see? For a long time sharp orange eyes studied the identical ones staring back at her from the shallow water below. "I see darkness and sadness. I see sorrow and pain. Apparently this other world isn't very nice..." she said slowly, the rippled warping and twisting her features into something malicious and from nightmares.

Slowly eyes lifted once more and she tipped her head curiously as she looked at the female in the middle of the river before her. Was she coherent? She seemed a bit strung out, vague and distant like she wasn't quite sure what was going on. Could she carry on a normal conversation? "Are you from Tourtuga?" she asked finally, though she smelt Tortugan it was vague and strange, probably smelling damp and water logged because of the river. Further conversation would be judged on this simple question, seeing how well she could answer and whether she was actually a Tortugan or not etc.