
My heart yearns for you



07-05-2014, 10:21 AM
faolan first please, plan on getting the alpha/betas in once enola and faolan can reunite.

It took a lot to convince mama, but Enola was finally able to get Loccian to allow her to come back, to be with Faolan whom she was happiest with after her family. So after her mother led her to the border, and said their goodbyes, the woman would leave with a smile on her face to know her daughter would be in good hands.

Patiently she stood at the Ludicael borders, fur well groomed and a flower placed carefully in front of her ear. Now a yearling, the girl was growing into her feminine curves, young, innocent and beautiful. At least, that's what he mother would always say and her brothers. Legs straight and well placed, tail slowly swinging behind her and a small smile on her face. She was ready, and hopefully the pack leader here would allow her to join despite her disability... She couldn't go without the male again after traveling the path back.

Slowly head raised, jaws parting to allow a sweet and long, smooth howl to spread out and into the lands, being carried by the wind. Lowering her head the girl would sit back on her haunches, tail curling around and laying over her paws, awaiting her knight to appear.
