
In these days of beautiful nothingness



07-05-2014, 02:55 PM

She had not been too much pleased with the outcome of the challenge. She had aided in healing Erani and then everyone seemed to dissipate leaving only Cael at her side. Would this be the end of Valhalla for good? She was not sure if anyone was ready to take up for alpha yet. She worried for Erani with her age and wounds but the only thing she could do was keep her eye and ears out for the white woman. If she had the skills she might even try for it but she did not think she was the wolf for that position.

The two of them wondered back to the west, the place she would forever live in. It was the west she came to first when she came to Alacritis and she did not think she would ever be leaving it. It was here she had met Cael's family, among these willows. She smiled softly, so glade of that faithful day. She would never change how it had happened. She felt lighter, against all odds. The air felt warmer, promising and the scent on the breeze smelt of new growth. Was spring upon them?

She had been so wrapped in her own thoughts, of the challenge and of spring, that she missed him looking at her. She walked with a little pep to her step, tail swaying, blue eyes glowing. When his side pressed against her, warming and reassuring she hummed happily, eyes closing as he licked her cheek.Of course my love. She said softly and padded after him. Settling down next to him she would return his caress with her own upon his neck. She peered up at him through her lashes as he spoke.Oh Cael my sweet mate, what would I ever do without you? My sun.. She would lightly touch noses with him, smiling.
