
Chasing rubies, chasing gold



07-05-2014, 05:51 PM

She had been out stretching her bad leg, checking out herbs now that spring had rolled in and catching up with her friend Atlas. It felt good to talk with the barn owl again. They just simply understood each other as if they shared part of the same soul. Happily he sat upon her shoulder as she walked through her home. It seemed this place would be her home no matter what. She shook her head till voice catch her attention. Down wind of them she listened to everything in the shadows. A frown creased her lips, ears going back and even Atlas had his feather ruffled up. With a snorted she padded out from her place to stand between Novella, Frith and her parents."Father, you really think punishment is necessary? They are kids, but Novella is no fool. She wouldn't place herself in harms way. She did what she thought was right and even was kind enough to let you two sleep. How is that wrong? There is more than enough family here to help her if something bad happened." She paused to look back at the two younger wolves before looking back at her parents.

"Think about when you were younger, the small mistakes you made. Novella is simply living and learning. But at least she is safe and we have a new prospect for the pack. With so many pups we could use more older wolves to help provide and guard this pack. They should not be punished. They are safe and sound, what more could a mother ask for?" She looked directly at her mother. Atlas sat the, his head twisted back to look at Novella and Frith and winked. Hopefully Symphony's words would make her parents rethink.
