
Chasing rubies, chasing gold

Dutiron i


8 Years
07-05-2014, 08:12 PM

Novel would speak up in agreement of his words. The two were certainly a good team these days, a strong unit to lead their family and hopefully the pack as well. The punishment hopefully wouldn't be too harsh, though he highly doubted that Novel would have it within her to come up with and deliver something too cruel to their daughter. Grounding for Novella and work for Frith, it certainly seemed fair. Her leaving the lands had been what had gotten them into this trouble in the first place and the latter could help them assess Frith's skills and obedience in action. He would give a short nod of his head as he made eye contact with his mate, agreeing whole-heartedly with the chosen punishments.

"The circumstances I'm sure were different then." Dutiron responded. "I am assuming that you had spoken to Song prior to inviting him into the lands." Whilst Novella wasn't really a child anymore there was a part of him that certainly hoped there was another key difference, that this wasn't Novella suddenly 'following her heart'. She had only just met the boy after all. He wouldn't comment upon the rest however, it certainly hadn't been his or Novel's fault that no one else was present when Symphony had given birth though the news that only Novella had stood by her side in a pack full of family was certainly a little alarming. Where was the loyalty of the Destruction family, here was clearly a good demonstration of it, though what of the others?

He would move on to speak to Frith once more now instead after Symphony had finished speaking with the younger man. "You will be placed in the ranks as a Chapter." He would explain. "You will attend lessons with the rest of the pack and you should ideally be helping with the other members of the pack regardless of punishment or not." His tone remained authoritative, though he had softened slightly now that the drama was mostly out of the way. "I am sure you will learn more about the pack in time though for now I suggest you leave my daughter's den and find one of your own elsewhere within the lands to settle in before you begin your duties." Clearly Symphony had already offered her aid to the boy and though a protective part of him disliked it, he didn't doubt that Novella would be there to help him as well.

Perhaps it was Cherokee's recent heartbreak for Song or maybe it was the fact that this could possibly be the first time he was watching his children begin a relationship but either way, the father was certainly feeling rather wary about it all. Perhaps an arranged marriage would have been easier though recalling Arelahn's disaster such a thought would be banished from his mind. He just hoped the boy took Symphony's words seriously, for Frith would certainly have a lot to answer to if he dared to hurt Novella.