
From Boys To Men



7 Years

07-05-2014, 09:46 PM

He stood and awaited the brutes move, and he would not have to wait too long until Gala charged forward. Letting out a growl he stood his ground, keeping the two males facing head on. He braced himself for impact, his golden gaze following him as he lowered his head to bite down on his leg. Bass shifted his weight onto his front legs, prepared to take the hit when his opponent moved to Bass's right, Galahad's left shoulder slamming into his own right one. Wincing slightly, he stumbled backwards somewhat as his weight had not been evenly placed. He could already feel the tenderness of the bruise starting, but did not dwell on it. Snarling, Bass attempted to slam his own right shoulder even further into Gala's left, trying to drive the front of his shoulder bone into Gala's. He hoped to cause some bruising in the shoulder, but knew that if it would land that his own bruise would deepen.

Bass had very little time to think before Galahad was aiming to bite him on Bass's right side. Bass side stepped, avoiding the bite as Gala's teeth just pulled out hairs. It still hurt, but no skin had been cut. Bass reset his balance, making sure that his weight was spread equally along all four legs so that he would not slide as he had before. He was about to snap his own teeth at Gala's flank, but the darker males right paw rose to try to slam onto his own right paw. Seeing his opportunity, Bass's head lowered as his jaws aimed to bite into Galahad's raised right front paw. He hoped to bite down deep, hopefully breaking through his paw pad so that Gala would have to favour that leg. Bass's ears lay flat against his skull so that it would be hard for Gala to bite them, as well as rolling his shoulders forward to protect his neck. His hackles raised as well, providing more protection. Bass flinched slightly at the roll of his bruised shoulder, but worked on focusing on his adrenaline to push passed the pain.

As Bass attempted the bite to Gala's paw, Bass's right front leg lifted and tried to strike out at Galahad's front left leg, aiming for his knee and wished to knock him off balance. Because Bass's face was pointing left, he made sure to scrunch his neck and tuck in his chin as the right side of his neck was exposed. Thankfully it was his unhurt shoulder protecting that exposed neck if Galahad tried to aim for him there. His pale tail aligned with his spine, his eyes narrowed as he focused all his jaw strength on that bite. Nails dug into the earth as Bass's muscles tightened, ready for anything that Gala was going to throw at him.



ROUND 1 of 3 if

Attacks : Bass's head lowered as his jaws aimed to bite into Galahad's raised right front paw. He hoped to bite down deep, hopefully breaking through his paw pad so that Gala would have to favour that leg. As Bass attempted the bite to Gala's paw, Bass's right front leg lifted and tried to strike out at Galahad's front left leg, aiming for his knee and wished to knock him off balance.

Defenses : ... weight was spread equally along all four legs... Bass's ears lay flat against his skull so that it would be hard for Gala to bite them, as well as rolling his shoulders forward to protect his neck. His hackles raised as well, providing more protection. ...he made sure to scrunch his neck and tuck in his chin as the right side of his neck was exposed. His pale tail aligned with his spine, his eyes narrowed... Nails dug into the earth as Bass's muscles tightened, ready for anything that Gala was going to throw at him.

Injuries : Bruising on shoulder, severity depending on if is attack lands or not.