
It's a dangerous world we live in


05-05-2013, 09:33 PM

All she heard was her brothers warning as she sprinted off. Better run faster! With Rune chasing her, the chances of her getting away dropped. She could easily out run her burly brother Vixe, but Rune was the faster of the two males, almost always able to catch Maia. Paws drummed softly against the earth, carrying her away from her brothers, she had no idea where she was going or how far she was getting from the den. A tiny pink tongue lolled from parted jaws as she moved with what would one day be grace, but for now she was still wobbly on puppy legs. Muscles soon grew tired propelling herself forward, slowing her down. She couldn't let her brothers catch her or she'd be done for.

She stumbled. A surprise cry falling from her small jaws. She went head of heels before coming to a bouncy stop on her back. She frowned, picking herself up and shaking the dirt from the pelt. Emerald eyes searched the ground for what tripped her. A growl vibrated her frame as eyes landed on small fallen branch. How had she missed that.

Nostrils flared. Ears pinned and skull dropped low. Mom was coming. Haunches dropped the ground as she waited for her arrival. They were all going to be in trouble. Looking around she realized they had gotten far from the den, Momma wasn't going to be happy. She waited for her brothers to catch, watching as a familiar ebony shadow stalked towards her.

OOC: Gonna throw in secret to wrap this thing up as I have no muse for this thread anymore. Ill throw her in after you guys reply and have her exit with them in her one post
