


07-06-2014, 12:32 AM

OOC: Ty for people replying! PLEASE stay tuned :D more people can post entering the thread during this round, but svan will be in the middle of speaking. Next round starts on 7/11/14
The Viking was extremely happy when people showed up to her meeting. The numbers were small, but she knew it would take time to encourage others to join her ranks. She knew how this stuff went and she was ready for a rocky road. Keeping the name of Valhalla would encourage past members or past enemies not to join. But, everyone should know her pack was not dark at all. Valhalla would be a standard pack. They would seek nothing more then activity, prosperity, and flourishing. She would run it like a family and hopefully the Gods would bless her with fortune. Yet, her thoughts were interrupted by a potential member slipping their way into her sights. It was (HADES) the ebony male that she pummled in a spar. The lady dipped her head in a quick nod before his voice filled her ears. "Such pleasure to meet you again, Viking Queen." Svanerna smirked, confidence spilled from every pore in her furry body. The lady would let forth her own vocals in response, "Little Raven, it is nice to see you without red fogging my vision." The lady would observe him before more of his words filled her audits. "Whom made you a queen, woman of ebony?" Svanerna laughed softly before responding with ease. "It was a gift from Viridiana of Covari, a surprise, yet pleasent all the same."

Her attention was cut short when a beautiful russet girl slipped into her vision. (KELLEN) Dark red and ebony fur with a white mask. Beautiful emerald eyes. Svan feasted upon the sight of the potential member before a single greeting entered her ebony ears. "Hello." The Viking smiled and nodded as she kept her attention focused on the fae. "Welcome to Valhalla, darling." She had a way with words, which would sound rather.. odd. But, she was just dramatic. Though, she was shocked when a flash of purple pelt filled her metallic orbs. (DES) " Svan, Congratulations! Im sure you'll make Valhalla thrive once again, No more will these lands be filled with wolves whom slack on their duties." The words were kind and it brought and even larger smile upon her inky lips. She moved her achy body to face the oddly colored girl, but she did not move from her spot. "Thank you, Miss Carmel. I was happily shocked by the gift of a crown. I will make you and Vi proud." With a dip of her head her attention would be mucked up once again.

(CASTIEL) A white pelt would be seen as a male moved her way. He was quite. His scent reeked that of the old Valhallans which brought her interest but she was also on alert. Her hackles itched to raise but they would not. Whether he was there for drama or to join she would be calm cool and collect. He would look her way and she would look to him. The lady would nod to him with a soft smile before her deeper feminine voice was emitted. "Hello sir, I am happy to see you here." She would look at him for a few more moments before another white pelt invaded her vision. (CYNRIK) The lady would watch as another alabaster male moved her way and sat in the the back of the mix. She would connect her eyes with his, her tail flicked slightly before her smile grew slightly. He was handsome yet he did not say a thing. Therefore she spoke up. "Greetings, sir." The woman was naturally good with people. She was as tough and stubborn as stone, but she was easy to smile and be friendly. Svanerna was a well rounded woman just with darker tendencies at time.

The new Queen stood tall as another female came in. (Chrys) Svanerna watched the fae with curiosity. Her scent stunk of the old Valhalla was well, setting off a red flag. Yet, the ebony woman would wait and see what the red faced babe would do. She observed her lovely fur yet the girl only had one eye, which was even more unique. The Queen smiled to the obviously dominant lady and let forth a greeting even if she did not get one. "A pleasure to have you here, miss." Svan would give one last nod before a male slithered in. (FRICTION) His scent was also of the old pack. She did not think so man of the older Valhallans would join the new version. Yet, she would hope to win them over by the simple fact that it was not even that different. She was a leader of fairness and family values as long as everyone did what they were expected of. The lady watched as he moved to the white male with yellow eyes and spoke to him. Svanerna did not hear what he said nor would she pry. His attention was not on her therefore she would skip over greetings and move on to business.

(ALL) The lady would take a step forward and begin to assess anything she needed to. "Hello everyone. I am Svanerna Finnvi, for those of you who do not know. I am now the Kaiser of Valhalla, in other words the Queen. The throne was a gift from the leader of Covari, though I assure you I will show my worth as a leader." The Viking lady stopped before looking around and speaking some more. "I know little of the previous pack, due to the fact that I never interacted with them. But, I know it was not of the darker alignments. Despite my alignments with Viridiana, I am not one to dwell within darkness. Valhalla will be completely neutral. I will accept Wolves who show they are worthy of a rank. The past is the past, as long as you keep on a good track under my reign, all will be well."

Svanerna paused for a moment. "I will explain the general structure of the pack and ranks. To start. I am not Queen, I am Kaiser, which means Empress in my native tongue, German. My second would be K?nig, which would be my mate and the second in charge, yet I am a single girl, so we don't need to worry about that, hmm?" The girl smiled softly before speaking some more. Their are three ranks that would be within the same range of power as the Kaiser. Kurf?rst would be my heir, but obviously I am not with child yet, so that rank would remain empty for a bit. Erzherzog is my lead beta, he or she would manage things when I cannot. Gro?herzog is an overseer. This Wolf is in charge of discipline and managing the members. These ranks will stay empty for a little while, they would be required to remain very active. Ersten Krieger is the leader of the Krieger, they will be the warriors of the pack. The Ersten Krieger would be in charge of training and such for the Krieger. Ersten J?ger are the leaders of the J?ger who are the hunters. The Estren J?ger would need to host training and hunts very often. Ersten Heiler are the leaders of the Heiler who are obviously the healers of the pack. They must manage the medical supplies, train, and such. The Bote are simply the messengers of Valhalla and the H?hlenmutter are the den mothers." The girl paused, taking a quick breath. "Mitglied will be your rank until you are sorted into another rank." Svanerna smiled, "I am hoping for this to be a smooth ride, as long as you are active and willing to flourish then it will be all smooth from her on out. I would love for people to try out for the Ersten ranks, but I do not take kindly to slacking." With one more pause she ended her speech for now, "Speak up now for questions, concerns, rank request, or anything really. It is very early in the formation of this pack and I am willing to make changes and work with everyone to achieve greatness and perfection." The Viking would observe them all, waiting for answers.
