
Leaving Behind Haunted Paths {Joining}



5 Years
07-06-2014, 02:15 AM
Irune Ezra Armada

She was slowly adjusting to this pack, often sticking close to Quelt or off alone just wondering around. She was studying the land, the soil and environment, studying the plants and places most likely to harbor herbs. Her tiny frame moved gracefully over the land, ghosting over it. She was instilled with the same grace her father carried in his frame and a wave of hidden power pulsed off of her. She was small yes but her frame was corded with lean hard muscles. She was fit and strong her fur a glorious length that waves in the light breeze, her russet and blue tinted fur rich and vibrant. She had grown much since her one brother left and her mind often wondered about him. She had promised to try and find him for Ky. But how could she if she was in this pack? Perhaps once she was more settled in and with a permanent rank suited to her liking she asked permission to look for Rin.

It was as if life knew what she wanted. A howl so familiar she thought it was a mistake rang out for her. She froze, heart hammering and the next thing she knew was she was running. She sprinted to the boarders, nothing could stop her. Her amber eyes spotted him quickly and tail raised high behind her like a flag whipping in the wind. Ears perked up and a grin parted her lips."RIN! Rin is that you!" She called out. But of course it was him, she know without a doubt that was her half brother. She came to a sliding halt, hopping the last few inches before rearing up to hug him, growling softly as she lightly tugged on his nicked ear. A whine slipped from her as she pulled away. She had missed him so much. And he had grown too! He was much taller than her and seemed to be in fairly good health.