
My heart yearns for you


07-06-2014, 11:48 AM

The silvery male had been depressed without Enola. After six months of enduring the loss, he hadn't found any way of completely recovering. As a growing healer, he would try to push himself into his work, but it had been unsuccessful. Simply looking at his herbs made him think of taking samples to Enola when she was a pup. He had wanted her to be exposed to more than what was around her den. The male had wanted her mind to expand beyond Seracia's borders. There were riches the world had made, just waiting to be found, and he had wanted to show her all of it.
On this warm, spring day, Faolan was solemnly looking for herbs around the hot springs. His parents had enjoyed a nice dip before the sun had risen, leaving behind their scents as he appeared. A temporary smile broke out across his jowls as he thought about them and how much they loved each other. Such a love was hard to find. He should know...he had lost his.
Being in this depressed state explained why he was so late on realizing the howl's source. As he nosed around some lavender, his ears pricked to the lone call and he thought someone wanted to join Ludicael. His rank didn't provide him with the power to accept members, so he continued to look around the fresh plant. Reality then kicked him in the butt and his eyes widened when he registered the howl with a familiar face. A familiar, yet lost face...No. It couldn't be...
Faolan didn't waste anymore time as he turned his head and looked up to the direction of the border. Abandoning his lavender, he skirted around the blocking trees and made a beeline for the howl's location. Light green eyes shimmered as he walked through the border's line of trees and saw her standing on the other side. Faolan's heart hammered fast in his chest and he grew short of breath as he tried to wake himself up. This had to be a just had to be!
Silvery paws pressed into the ground as he sniffed the air and realized beyond any sense of doubt that she wasn't a figment of his imagination. His gaze ran over her as he stopped within six feet of her, wanting to selfishly take in her grown frame. And Lord, how she had grown... Ears pricked and he continued to take in the details of how she had delicately brushed her fur, every bit in place. The flower behind her ear was the icing on the cake, he couldn't believe how amazing she looked. Slowly, Faolan stepped forward until there was only a foot or two between them. "You're here..." he said, tones now a deep baritone, evidence of his growth. "After so long, you're here...I cannot believe this..." Bravely, he stretched out his neck and his nose gently bumped tips with hers. "You're real!" he softly gasped, eyes shining in the sunlight. "'re real..."
