
My heart yearns for you



07-06-2014, 12:10 PM

Patiently she awaited in silence, body twitching in different spots in the anxiousness to be reunited with the boy who had helped her in her early days of blindness. Tail lightly began to thump against the ground, lips twitching, trying to keep that delicate little smile of hers from turning into a large grin. The girl didn't want to look like a goof when he arrived, no, she wanted to be sweet, and warm.

Ears listened carefully to the world around her, taking in every sound. The cool spring breeze rolled around the land, bringing scents from different directions of various plants and animals... but not Faolan. Enola sighed at this, her head dropping a bit. Was here still here? Or did his family move once more to a different land she couldn't follow, needed assistance tot ravel through?

For a moment she considered getting up and attempting to catch up to her mother, go back to her brothers and continue on traveling... but she would suddenly catch something. Nose lifted in the air, taking a few wiffs of the wind, a scent. Faolan.

The smile returned to the girl's lips, ears eagerly awaiting to hear his footsteps in the grass or on the warm stone around her. And quickly they approached, a couple yards away she could hear a large form approaching, hoping it would be the grown boy she had missed while away. Closer, closer.

Then his voice, it almost melted her heart. It was deeper than the last time they were together, but it didn't change how she felt, only made the butterflies in her stomach flutter harder. He was so lose now, she swore she could almost feel his breath on her face. He couldn't believe she was back after so long... "Me either..." Her own voice was sweet yet warm and soft, almost sounding as if she would cry right there and then.

A gentle touch to her nose, the girl breathed in, eyes threatening to tear up. He'd confirm she was real, still unable to fully believe it. And so the girl would do something brave, not really a thing she would normally do to others, Faolan being the special case. She carefully picked herself up off the ground, taking a daring step forward. Nose trailed along the boys muzzle and across his cheek, shoulders touching his as she buried her face into his neck.

"I'm back... to be with you."
