The male would hear the summoning howl, and judging by the duties he had selected it would only make sense to answer the call, would it not? Besides, he had come to this pack to be useful, not a deadweight, and any and all summoning howls, even for the healers, would be answered. Head would lift, dark forest green eyes scanning the unfamiliar territory as he moved forth. It would take time, he knew, to get used to these new lands, but he was determined. Though the snakes that made part of their lands their home were a bit... Troublesome. Already he?d had to take care a couple of the blasted things, severing the heads from their bodies to avoid being bitten.
The calico male would march on, gaze seeking the forms of those already gathered. Serra, she was one who knew. Irune had joined with them.... and of course he knew the alpha. The lady who had called, however, was one that he did not, and Allen would look upon her quietly, analyzing her before he dipped his head respectfully. ?Good day to you all. I do hope you don?t mind if I join in this hunt?? A smile would grace his features, at ease as he looked at those around him.
"Speech", 'Thought'