
Solo Patrol



1 Year
07-06-2014, 05:22 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Oops. Maybe she had interrupted a pretty deep thought. Thor did not appear to have a very ready answer to the question she had asked, and she could only assume it was because he had been too far within his own mind to hear it. Hopefully whatever had been so important up there had not been lost because of her inquiry. It took the brown male a moment to answer, but eventually he did and Bera looked at him attentively as she made a small mental note of his answer for herself. A thicket. Was the thicket close? Would she have trouble getting to it? Could she possibly find it on her own? Were there even anymore rabbits that she could try spooking out herself? She was full of questions but considering the first had nearly stumped him she decided to take it easy. One thing at a time.

And then the real surprise came, an offer to teach her at a later point. If she had had the rest of her ears they would have perked straight up, but as it was her tail wagged to show her understanding and excitement at the thought. A rabbit hunt in a thicket! "Really?" she asked, almost unable to believe that she might be so lucky. Sure, she wanted to be trained in lots of things - fighting, self-defense, strengthening herself - but hunting seemed a good step in the right direction. And she was growing so much these days; surely she was large enough to catch a rabbit! "When can we?" she asked, but before she could make a suggestion for having the lesson now, or even soon, she asked hopefully, "Can Arnporr and Eostre come too?" They were not adjusting as well as she was to all of this, but she really wanted to share with them too.