
Raindrops and Galaxies


07-06-2014, 06:57 PM

Ah yes. I will come with you. Take me to your princess so I may meet her. What is her name?
Winter had agreed to come! No arguments, no questions, he was coming! Perhaps he would even join the Willow Kingdom that the princess reigned. The black brute was overwhelmed with joy, surprisingly he had thought that this might have been a more challenging task. Though he was not going to bounce around like an excited pup, he showed his happiness with a gleaming glow in his eyes. His tail could not stop wagging. And he would thank Winter most sincerely.

"Thank you, Winter." he thanked deeply with a short bow. With an excited flick of his flowing tail, he would lead his new friend to the kingdom of willows, to the princess. Though speaking of princess, Winter had asked for the princess's name.

"The princess goes by Esti Kigu. Though she would prefer if you called her Princess Kigu." Dusk replied with a warm chuckle. Beckoning the white man with his tail, he spoke in a deep and clear voice.

"To the Whistling Willlows? Follow me, sir!"

The warm and cosy wind ruffled their furs as they both travelled along the shore. The faint waves echoed in the distance, and the growing light of dawn glimmered down on the two. The nearby gulls chirped excitedly. The day was waking up. A new dawn. A new beginning. Ah, Dusk could already smell the salt. He was trekking across the sand, traveling west with his new friend. Into the willows they would go. Yes, to the lands where the princess ruled. There they would both go.

-exit Obsidian Beach-

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