
A Whale's Song


06-04-2013, 01:40 AM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2013, 10:44 PM by Cherokee.)

So wandering hadn't turned out to be so bad after all. It had lead him to stumble into Song after all. She was a small thing, very polite and genuinely happy, seemingly full of energy, ready to talk and let loose. She was kind of like the opposite of Cherokee. He was quiet, reserved, rather serious most of the time, though he never lacked in manners. There was just something about her that made him feel at ease, like he didn't need to be serious. He could just relax around her and have fun without worrying what he would look like in her eyes. Eyes which were very pretty as a matter of fact.

His mindful of where he placed his body, not wanting to pull it too far from hers, trying to transfer as much of his body heat to her as he could through their constantly touching bodies. He would feel terrible if she ended up catching a cold because of his thoughtlessness. Audits twitched in Song?s direction as she agreed. He took her agreement as his signal to move and he did so, bumping her gently in order to get to follow along. His movements were slow, controlled as he stuck close to the white dove's ?ide, two-toned gems scanning over the foliage around him, searching for suitable shelter. It didn?t take him long before he spotted what looked to be like an old badger hole. Motioning for Song to follow, he approached the hole, his suspicions confirmed. Stepping away from her for a moment, he poked his head inside, nostrils twitching as he scented the hole. The badger scent was stale. No creatures inhabited it, so they were safe to stake claim for the night. Although he pulled back, something dawned on it. The hole was rather small and only Song would be able to fit comfortably. You might wanna take a step back miss Song.

He gave her a warning before returning to the hole, forelimbs slashing at the dirt as he began to excavate it. The dirt fleeing beneath his paws reminded him of his days as a pup when he would dig holes in order to catch rabbits, only this time he wasn?t looking for rabbits. His powerful legs ate away at the soil, expanding the badger hole into a large den, suitable enough for the two to fit comfortably. By the time he was done he was a lot farther in than he?d started, his spine brushing against the roof of the make-shift den as he padded to the entrance. You may come in now if you?d like. he called out, turning to pad back inside, allowing his limbs to fold beneath him as he lowered himself onto the earth, spine resting against the back of the den, gaze fixated on the entrance as he waited for Song to come in.

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