
bones and skin


07-06-2014, 07:43 PM

Northern lands were still a foreign concept to the brown girl, who had traversed this far only in hopes of seeing her brother. Her memories of his violent attacks against her still filled her nightmares, but her waking thoughts were all that she missed him dearly. Olympus had not even begun to fill the hole in her heart where he should have been, though it had proved to be a suitable home all the same. Still, there was no denying that she missed August, and there was only one way that June could think of to solve that problem.

Of course, she wouldn't dare actually seek him out, but she might have lingered a little bit longer than necessary at Tortuga's borders before wandering past them, and heading for the unclaimed frozen expanses of the North. If she couldn't have Gus, she could have the next best thing; a place that reminded her of him. Now, perhaps the rulers of Olympus might not have been pleased about one of their subjects wandering so far, but June couldn't bring herself to worry about it. She had needed the peace, and one could always find space up here, it seemed.

June breathed a contented sigh, despite the shivers wracking her frame, and slid back onto her haunches. Her tail wrapped around her paws to warm them as much as she could, before the girl let her muscles relax. Tension flowed from her frame as she breathed out, seeming more comfortable alone than she had ever been around the wolves of Olympus.
