
Precious Metals


07-06-2014, 10:38 PM
user posted image

Atum the father of these wolves named his children after ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. He believed that Ra(the sun god) and Nut(the sky goddess) visited him in a dream and told him his children would bare the colors of rich metals. That they were blessed with rich colored coats and then told him the name of each child to be born in the first litter. That being Silver, Petrol, Gold, and Brass. Again his mate and him were blessed the following year with another litter. And again Ra and Nut visited him with the same promise. But this would be tainted by darkness. Bronze, Copper and Aluminum would be born but the day they would turn a year old blood would spill. Atum feared this and became very protective of his children. When their mother died of illness he thought this was what they meant by blood spilling as he had to be the one to put her out of her misery. So things became more relaxed and the dark tainted warning forgotten. The day the second litter turned a year old a storm raged in the sky in a fierce show of lightening and thunder but that was the least of their concerns. Atum's pack had dabbled and messed with the wrong pack too many times behind his back. They came at them like a damn breaking, killing all in their path. Atum knew his pack was at a loss against these warrior hardened wolves and took his family and any others on a run. But it was to no vain. Those he managed to take with him turned to hold ranks against the blood bath. For Atum's children were the only future of the pack and their lives must be protected at all costs. While the other and Atum tried to fend off the enemy the children ran with only one look back to see their father who had loved them so dearly die in his struggle to keep them safe.

To Date
The siblings have all fled together to Alacritis in hopes of not being found. They do not fully understand still why their pack was attacked but they will not risk going back or going by their birth names infront of others. (The names next to each wolf is their nickname). They have remained together thus far with no problems for they had always gotten along for the most part. Now they arrive in a land plentiful of other packs and strangers. But do they just band together as loners or agree to join a pack?

These wolves would see themselves as more privilege then others but not boasting of it. Since their father believed in the Ancient Egyptian gods, they do to in high regards. They know they were named after certain gods and goddesses and believe their is a reason why Atum was sent those dreams about their names. Of course their coats are of odd shading. They shine and glint in the sunlight, their hair holding almost clear strands to give the appearance of a shiny penny or fresh gold. They are aware others will stare and question and they simply say they were blessed by the gods.The older siblings have taken the role of caretakers, teaches, providers for their younger brothers and sisters. Thus one of them will be the leader, which all had agreed upon. A decision is not made without the agreement of the whole group, making them and effective team.

Picking the design and Eye color
When picking which wolf you are applying for simple go by their nicknames which are next to each wolf. Eye colors are to be picked from the bottom right corner of the image. Hetero eyes are not uncommon among them. Eyes colors are number from left to right.

Will range from true neutral to lawful good. That does not mean somewhere in the future that could be changed. Whether it be caused by religious beliefs, discontent of leadership, or whatever may happen to them

More Info XD
The first litter is of 2 years born in Summer. These are Gold, Silver, Petrol, and Brass
The second litter is 1 year born in Winter. These are Bronze, Copper and Aluminum.
I am claiming Bronze(Isis). I will be picking the leader once all apps are in and ive decided the players.
Mother's name: Tefnut
Appearance: WIP
Father's name: Atum
Appearance: WIP
Names to pick from


Personality: 150 words
Appearance: Site requirement
Rp Sample: 300 words