
Broken Past, Hazy Future



07-07-2014, 02:02 AM
She was just about to close her eyes when a foreign scent hit her nose, panic filled her mind as she sprang to her paws. She looked about her, her one good eye searching the darkness for the source of the smell. She did not have to search for long. For a golden backed brute cautiously moved toward her. He seemed to have a part curious part worried expression on his maw.

The girl backed up as he asked her a question. Her ears flattening as she tried to get a better look at the male. She breathed deeply, taking in his scent, was he the one after her? Was that why he was here? Did he want to kill her? Why can she not remember!? For all she knew he was the one who injured her and she was letting him sneak up on her.

With that thought she renewed her will to live and straitened, her good eye sharpening on him. She raised her ears and tail and moved her body into a battle stance, if he was here to kill her, he will have to work for it, but than again she was not sure, she just could not remember, and would hate to hurt him if he meant her no harm, she just was not sure. Why can she not remember!?

"Stay back." Her voice came out harsh, almost like she was screaming for hours. "I do not want to hurt you, but I will."

Everything was a haze, her head hurt and she was tired, all she wanted was to lay down and sleep, but no, no matter what shape she was in she was going to fight, whether it was going to be against this male or any other forgotten enemy. "Who are you? Are you the one to hurt me?"

Again she was not sure, she just could not remember. He did not look like a malicious male, in fact he looked like an honest guy, mischievous eyes yes, but not evil. He was also around the same age as her which led her to believe that no matter how hard and well he fought he would not fill her with as much fear as she felt toward her unknown attacker... She just was not sure, and really it was better to be safe than sorry... she just wished she remembered who she was and how she had gotten in this situation.