
Kaala's Pawsteps


05-08-2013, 12:49 PM

Ulrike noticed that a Glaciem wolf had made his appearance to clame this dame as well. Ulrike listened to the brute speak and he did not mind the male at all. His attention drifted back to the female who showed a bit of nervousness around them. His black eyes softened up as he realized that their presence was making her uneasy. The brute went to father type mode. His posture was a bit more at ease and he spoke softly like he did to his own child."Well there are many good places to make your home. The pack that i live in we are strong and able to protect everyone. Our dens are in between mountains, which gives the pack more security."

Ulrike smiled a bit at the female.There is plenty of food to go around, but it is all up to you as to who you wish to join ma'am." Ulrike was not in the mood for fighting at this point in time. He was more worried about family. He still had a job to do, and he would be more than happy if the dame chose to join Tortuga. Ulrike looked over the female and saw that she was the complete opposite of others in Tortuga. They needed members, but she was only a child, and the evil that lies with in the boarders would most likely scare her half to death.

"But mis, i shall not lie to you. Although Tortuga is strong, and safe, there are some shady characters that lie with in the boarders. I do not wish to submit you to an environment like that with out you knowing what you will be going in to." He knew that with that information she might not choose his pack, but something triggered in him. She was around the same age of his daughter, and she was beginning to grow apart from him.

OOC: XD wow i finally showed a soft part to him XD
