
Singing Songs with You



7 Years

07-07-2014, 03:08 AM

After his song had danced into the night, he had opened his eyes and fazed fondly at his singing partner. She seemed to be a bit tongue tied, making a low chuckle flow from his musical lips. He hadn't thought that his singing had been that bad after all. He did now say anything, just softly hummed softly. He kept going over the last two lines, not wanting her to rush into it. In no way did Bass make her want to feel pressured, this was something that the two of then were to enjoy. He knew that she was a taf bit nervous, but he didn't condemn her for that. It was a rather odd thing to be doing with someone you just met, singing songs into the spring night. He didn't mind though, it was something that had always been such a big part of his life. To Bass, this was np different than singing with his sisters, it wad just the two of them and the notes that they shared. For this musical boy, there was nothing that he would rather be doing in this moment. It was rather perfect, and he was glad that he was able to share it with his new friends. He hoped that this made them closer, he needed some friend outside the pack. That way he would have someone to talk to without having to worry about being their alpha. He knee that it could happen with his sisters, but still. This was nice and refreshing.

Wren began to sing again, his vocals following her own as he sung in flawless Italian. They matched vocals so well that it seemed flawless, the words coming from their memory as if they were born to sing it. It was natural, easy. There was no thinking involved, just the music flowing through them. It took over the landscape, creating a bubble of notes for them to dwell in. With golden eyes shimmering, he opened his mad and let his next line flow, allowing her time between his own vocals for hers. They would sing a few more lines before their harmony started, until Italian words overwhelmed the English, until their voices truly became one. "Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace. Give us faith so we'll be safe." He began, before he gazed at her once more and smiled softly. It was time, their lyrics were to become one as they sang the same part.

Bass found it strange to look st her while he sang, so instead he looked up st the millions of stars, thinking about the meaning behind the words they were about to sing. Taking in a deep breath, his ears awaiting to hear her intake before he let out his deep baritone one more. "Sognamo un mondo senza piu violenza, un monda di giustizia e di sepranza," he paused, awaiting her to lead then into the next half, waiting to hear the confidence in her words. He wanted her to grow, to shine, just like anyone would want for their friends. His head did not move, his golden eyes locked on the twinkling stars.

OOC : Sorry, poopie phone post!
