
I couldn't stay away


07-09-2014, 08:05 PM

They had been tucked away for far to long. They had fled the mainland with the intention of leaving entirely. But then Basanti had gotten sick from the icy waters, forcing them to settle on one of the islands. They had remain a tight bunch, Kylar never leaving her side. The plague had faded away but then their daughter had fallen ill and was slowly returning to her health. Today she had slipped away, lounging lazily on the beach while Basanti slept. A sigh rolled off her tongue as her coral gaze drifted towards the direction of the mainland. They had survived winter, and now spring had taken a hold and slowly the weather was warming. Audits would swivel atop her crown, listening to the sounds of the waves. This was probably the best of the islands in the area, and thankfully it was the one they had stumbled upon while swimming.

Basanti slept, safetly tucked away her den. The girl was growing rapidly and the silver queen couldn't help but smile. But despite the happiness of her daughter, she still mourned the loss of her first daughter. The loss had bubbled in her chest, it sat heavily in her belly, demanding retribution. She felt the familiar tug of needing to hunt. And not the usual kind. Her mouth watered as memories flooded her mind. But what would Kylar think? Demyan was surely gone by now, and Kylar had no idea of her past. Silver limbs stretched across the sand as the woman rolled onto her side. Eyes would flutter close as she relived her glory days. The pleas for mercy, the cries for help, the screams of agony. And all the blood. A wicked grin curled her lips, ivories flashing briefly in the sun. Oh the good ole days.