



7 Years
07-07-2014, 09:54 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2014, 09:59 AM by Quintus.)

Quintus Nero had been so caught up in his thoughts that he had hardly noticed how burnt everything was here. The stench in the air was not of wood, but of ash and charred vegetation; eyes danced around the landscape as he studied it silently. Some trees remained, but the branches were charred and twisted, the leaves turned to ash. Though many stood tall still, they were not alive -- they would never again bear fruit or leaves, but instead would remain frozen in time, no more than a shadow of what they once were.

Large paws carried him across the sooty ground, nose twitching as he tested the air. The aroma here wasn't pleasant -- but the light breeze carried with it something much sweeter. Though he knew the creature was a woman, initially his nose wrinkled in distaste. Though he truly wanted to be around others, with his family, with those that cared for and loved him -- he didn't want to have to talk to anyone right now. Of all days, not today. A sigh left his lips as the silence was broken by the steady approach of the female he had sensed. The yearling -- though he was rapidly approaching two -- paused in his tracks, staring with an unreadable gaze at the stranger. "I'm not a young boy. I'm a man," he told her firmly. He had basically been living on his own for three seasons now, and couldn't consider himself a child any longer, even if he was more a boy than an adult in reality. Again he found his nose wrinkling as he eyed her accusingly.

"You look about the same age as I do, anyway." His tones were not cold, not really; merely standoffish. Though his voice had deepened considerably, he had a childish air about him. There was no cruelty in his sea-green gaze, no hatred shimming beneath his murky stare -- he was good at heart, merely stubborn to the core and thoroughly unimpressed that she considered him a boy. Quintus was still as he eyed her, hardly moving a muscle save for the gentle moving of his chest as he inhaled her scent.