
A Call to His Highness


07-07-2014, 11:31 AM

Bass seemed pleased that Xae chose the healer route, and the pretty fae seemed surprised, but also pleased. Grey eyes glanced at the darker female, curious again about her since she had been so silent throughout their conversation. Questions sparked in his brain - What was her duty? Was she even an important member? Surely she had to be, right? Surely all three of the wolves who arrived here must be important members. - but none were voiced aloud. Not yet, anyway. He didn't have a chance to ask any questions, for as soon as Bass noticed the grey gaze roaming over the pretty light-colored female, he growled, and that stifled any other words that might have rose to Xae's throat. Instantly, Xae dropped, knowing that the only way to win a fight against such a capable-looking brute would be to not fight at all, but show submission, show that he was no threat. He lowered himself, lying on his stomach in front of the Azat. He lowered his ears, but didn't lower his head. He was submitting to show he wasn't a threat, but he wasn't about to lose his pride. He wasn't going to roll over onto his back. Not yet, anyway. He couldn't say he trusted Bass to not bite the sensitive, vulnerable part of his neck if he exposed it to the Abaven leader.

He caught a whine, and, wisely, kept his eyes off of the lithe, tri-colored female. One ear, however, twitched. Without really meaning to, the russet-and-black male leaned only a fraction of an inch closer, listening to the soft lyrics the girl expelled. He managed to hear her words, though only barely, for she had clearly meant the words to only be heard by Bass. He knew it was a mistake the second it happened, but Xae didn't think before he reacted. He jumped quickly to his paws, eyes widening, head shaking with quick, determined movements. "No!" His voice rose a few octaves, and he cleared his throat, inhaling to calm his nerves, ashamed at having losing his composure. "I assure you, Lady, I was not... um, checking you out." The phrase was foreign to him, felt strange rolling off of his tongue. Xae knew he had to come up with a reason as to why he was staring so intently at her, and fast. Glancing at all three wolves, a thought popped into his head. "The three of you have remarkably similar markings, though yours," he looked at the pretty light fae, keeping his eyes on hers, "are still unique even from theirs. I must ask, are the three of you related? Siblings, perhaps? Intriguing, because my own siblings and I do not share markings." What Xae was saying was not technically a lie. He truly was intrigued by the strange markings that all three possessed.
