


07-07-2014, 02:19 PM

A familiar voice had pulled her from her den, the one place that she spent so much time lately. She needed to pull herself out of this hole. This was not her. Losing the pack had been one thing, but now Aeron had mysteriously returned and she still didn't know if she would ever let him back in. Russet limbs pulled her towards the source of the call at a leisurely pace. Others had already arrived but that didn't stop her from approaching Vi and Des with a smile, though it didn't touch her verdant gaze. The last time she had seen her friend, everything had come out into the open. Vi had a thing for Cru. Though the woman had no intention of ever leaving her mate, the news still stung. Her and Cru had slept together once, and nearly a second time.

The woman would seat herself near Vi, whether or not it was her proper place. Vi was her friend and always would be. Verdant gaze would scan the crowd, waiting for Crucifix to show his face. He had to have known. Vi did seem like the type to express feelings for someone unless they were returned in some way. He had to have known, and still led her on. Though she didn't understand her feelings for him, so he sure as hell didn't know she had feelings for him. But he did know that Vi was her friend. Lips threatened to curl back, but she maintained control, refusing to allow the rest of the pack to see her emotions. Ekko sat peacefully beside her, as always, and the russet woman found comfort in the quiet girls presence now.

Verdant gaze hardened, awaiting his familiar face. Ekko would have no idea what was going on, and was probably confused. Tension coiled her muscles as she relived the conversation that she and Vi had. He had known, he had cared for Vi, it was why he had backed away from her last time, when he had lied to her. Eyes narrowed to dangerous slits, her entire body rigid, but still as a statue. Where are you? Tongue rolled angrily behind fangs. Wounded or not, she was going to take from him what he had taken from her.

"Talk" "You" Think