
Herbs and Stuff


07-07-2014, 02:30 PM

Soon after she had arrived, many others came rolling in, herbs and smelly vegetation at their paws. The aroma of all of it was beginning to give her a headache. But she didn't complain. She was here to accompany Bass and help him out with anything that needed a hand. Like fetching herbs, organizing the groups, and just giving Bass someone to talk to while he was here. The creamy king didn't seem to interested in herbs after all. Having a partner wouldn't hurt, now would it? --Wren watched as everyone began to share herbs and more approached the group. A combination of aromas, Tortuga, Covari, Ebony, Glaciem, some more wolves from her own pack where scattered everywhere. But she was relieved to see they were all getting along. She hoped Bass was happy as well.
After he had addressed himself to everyone that approached him, he looked over at her and seemed generally happy to see her. It lit her heart up like a torch and fire. The man touched his nose to her shoulder and she giggled softly with amusement. Still the playful king she remembered from their first meeting, nothing had changed. "Better now," Wren smirked and fleetingly returned his touch of the nose, but located it on his cheek. She had learned her lesson from last time- and decided not to flirt with him again until he seemed to allow it. So this touch of the nose was nothing for him to feel uneasy about. It was a playful gesture. A tease. "Did you come here just to tease and mock me? Last time I checked, Wren of Ludicael, you had no interest on herbs."
After listening to his statement, the babe chuckled again and lifted her chin boldly. Heh, when did ever say I had no interest in herbs?! It was quite obvious she had no fondness with herbs- she was just teasing with him. But just to be funny, the woman slowly sat up and made her way toward the trees, bowing her head and scanning the ground for awhile. While she did this, she had noticed Bass had gotten up and organized the groups. Wren shrugged and continued her search casually. She couldn't find any peculiar plants- so she uprooted a few weeds and grass, and also grabbed a leaf or two. Then she headed back to the seated king.
The woman settled back down beside the man with the vegetation dangling from her jaws. Dirt also clung to the plants, making her want to gag. But finally she dropped the leaves and grass and organized them in separate piles with a smirk. Once she was finished she sat up and glanced at Bass, tail thumping against the ground. She parted her lips and stated the names of her findings to him, Leaves, grass, and roots. See? I'm a herb expert! I might even be better than Harmony. The girl joked, glancing toward Harmony and nearly laughing. That herb artist was probably much better than Wren. Heck, Wren couldn't even heal for her life. But it was a joke, after all. Surely if Harmony heard it she wouldn't be offended.