


07-07-2014, 03:06 PM

Disappointment filled her broad chest. She had been ready to join the red woman, but then a call had rang out. The golden woman had hidden the shadows, watching as the red Queen battled for both her life and her pack. In the end she lost, and now the lioness was homeless and her brother was missing. A frown tugged at her features, she had lingered outside the pack lands where the red Queen had disappeared into. Did she want to joint this pack? Her brother had liked the red woman, and it appeared as though she knew the wolves within this pack.

A shrug would lift her shoulders as she approached the border, claws kneading the ground. A call echoed from within the heart of the land, beckoning her forward. Massive paws pressed into the earth as she picked up a trot, rounded ears swiveling to pick up placement of the call. She would pick up an easy trot, her massive body moving with simple grace. Muscles rippled beneath her golden pelt, cyan eyes scanning the unfamiliar terrain. It was almost like home though, vast plans where you could see for miles. A small smile played on her lips.

Wolves had already gathered by the time she reached the heart of the land. Her paced slowed, as she searched the crowd. Would the red woman put two and two together? She would approach the one that seemed to be in charge, a vibrantly colored woman. "Hello, I am Elsa. If I could speak with your privately after perhaps?" Her crown would tip to the side, a friendly smile playing on her lips as she tried to appear as friendly as possible, though she doubted any of these wolves have ever seen a lion before. She would take a seat on the outskirts, trying to remain as least threatening as possible.
