
☠ Wicked and Divine ☠


05-06-2013, 02:08 PM

Asheni would watch, pain lacing through her bodice as her tormentor approached and then he was upon her. She screamed, her body thrashing against the snow, staining it a fierce red. The audible crack and snap of her bones beneath his teeth, it tore her apart. Violent, agonized screams ripped from her throat, tears spilled from crystalline eyes. Why? Why? What had she done to deserve such cruelties? The wretched scream crashed through her hard and fast as he snapped another limb. Her teeth gnashed together, body flailing, writhing, blood and vomit spilling from her maw as agonizing waves of pain crashed over her.

Her abdomen she watched a string of her intestines leave her body before blinding white captured and stole her vision. The agony too much for the two-toned healer. A scream, loud and long of utter pain ripped from her larynx until her throat bled and her voice was raw. She twitched violently, the earth fading in and out of her vision. Teeth sunk into the cords of her neck and the dame, whose body was slowly drifting into a world of blissful numbness could do little more than whimper.

"I'm sorry...Crusade....Cifer. I love you..." Her words would die on a strangled gurgle of blood and for the last time, pretty blue eyes would fall shut.

-Asheni is deceased-
