
Not Quite What I Seem...


07-07-2014, 06:14 PM
Batari limped slightly, her foot was mostly better from the fight with the smaller wolf. She had crushed the insignificant male, only to be harmed by a female of different stature. These wolves proved to be far different opponents from the lizards and prey she was used to. Still, Batari was confident that had she chosen to press the fight, she would have at least taken the other wolf down with her.

Deciding to wander away from that region, as she nursed her wounds, Batari had needed to survive on smaller weaker prey than normal. It had been a difficult time, skulking about like she was one of the prey rather than the predator. Now with only a slight limp to show for her pain, which would heal on its own, she climbed this mountain to rebuild her strength, to bask in its heat, and to see what the woprld looked like when made small by its height.

That was when Batari heard the cry of another wolf. She did not know precisely what it meant; but she did not care. The cry had come from the direction in which she was heading, Batari would not change her course just because some wolf had announced themselves. She was Batari, she was strong, she had no fear.

When Batari saw the other wolf, she was displeased. The wolf was larger than her, and for that she hated them. Not just slightly taller either, but notably so. Even at a distance she could tell he was heavier than she. What gave this wolf the right to be larger than Batari? What gave it to call out its strange call as if she should heed its presence. It was nothing to Batari, Batari had killed larger more dangerous creatures than she. Batari had proven that size and strength were not one and the same. Her savagery was greater than all others. This wolf had a body that announced strength; but if Batari killed it, or made it yield to her, that would only prove her that much greater. Of course, she had no immediate intention of fighting this wolf now. Not with a slight limp in her rear paw. If she were to try to best it of her own choosing, it would be when she was completely whole.

Batari continued to walk towards it, though, refusing to change her path. Instead her legs set themselves slightly wider apart as she walked. Batari?s ears flattened, her tail hung low but not tucked yet, her heckles raised and her jaws parted, a thread of saliva hanging down from them as she continued to walk with bared teeth. Batari?s head hung low as well, swaying slightly from left to right as she moved forward. This was not the walk of a wolf, this was the walk of a crocodile, or monitor lizard. This was a posture and pace that Batari had seen enough times to learn its meaning. When the lizards walked like this, it showed they were not hiding, which mean they were not hunting, it boasted strength while merely passing by. It was a posture Batari used to announce she was not looking to kill; but easily could if provoked.

As Batari grew near, she announced herself. ?You are in Batari?s path. You announce yourself to Batari. Batari does not care where you are. Batari will still walk this way.? She would change her path for no wolf, no matter how large or small. To do so would admit weakness or fear, and Batari had neither of these traits.