


07-07-2014, 06:43 PM
And the child remains U N F A Z E D by their enclosed proximities as the tyrant encroaches daringly upon her personal space, amethyst and silver gaze transfixed upon the carmine oddity?s stoic guise while the cheshire smirk only elongates further upon her own. The phantom deity is quite decidedly enraptured by the princess -- malevolent schemes swarming through the premises of her twisted mind as she notes upon how impressionable youth are; she could potentially mold the beauty into something men would willingly bow to, something teeming with grandeur. As the child acknowledges her predator with a widened gaze, interest evidently piqued, the Elysius wraith draws herself to her full apex yet again, pupils still unwavering from the nubile princesses? petite physique as she attempts to maneuver around her prey-----a looming oppressor, scrutinizing her prospective acolyte. ?I will teach you something, little demon,? the phantom begins, robust appendages propelling her slowly now, gaze hungrily ravaging every inch of the beauty placed so delicately before her-----astounding. ?There are those who play the game of life to survive, and those who play to WIN,? vocals are a cryptic litany, intending to charm with its palpable confidence. ?And those who want to win, have every opportunity under the sun available to them if they want to get leverage over the other players -- do you follow me?? She does not wait for a response, though continues to encircle the child, inhaling deeply before proceeding. ?If you want leverage over a man, you use the tool that lurks between your thighs--? a smirk touches her frayed lips, ?--and a mother, the lives of her children.? At this, she halts in her lackadaisical stride, intending to position herself at the front of the princess as she had previously been, a singular brow quirking curiously upon her forehead as the emotion dissipates from her countenance.