
Wicked Game



7 Years
07-07-2014, 08:18 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The feel of his claws parting through the fur of her shoulder and grazing across her skin sent up a little shiver beneath his touch, reacting so quickly to him and each little suggestion he made. He nipped softly at her nose, licked her muzzle, and smiled as he made a quiet hum when her paw touched his neck. No growl, no rumble, no feel of it within his chest answered her gesture, just the quiet hum, and somehow it was not enough. Not after the look she had gotten out of him a moment ago, not after knowing what she could now do. His teasing was like a challenge, daring her to figure out what might bring those growls back, and she was tempted to take it. But Bane reminded her as he suggested they enjoy their time together of the rising sun, the waking pack, and how quickly the quiet around them would give way to day and activity. Their time was limited, and would all too soon be coming to an end.

He brought his paw to her throat, similarly to how she had done to him, and he pressed gently. Tahlia moved slightly at the press, rolling just enough to peer into Bane's face and watch the way his expression changed, how his smile became something of a thoughtful, worrisome frown. What went on behind that single blue eye of his? What did he think to make him worry so? She could not understand what had transpired inside his mind to change him - was it anything like what had scared her at first? - but she did not want to let it linger longer than it needed to. "Bane," she said, attempting to draw him back to the present. A soft kiss was place on the tip of his nose. "No frowning. Not today." No, today was his day. He needed to enjoy it, with smiles and laughter and happiness.

She knew of one way to make the frown disappear - a way, he had once told her, that relieved stress - but would there have been enough time for it? No one knew where they had gone though their scent could easily be followed. Being found like that was not something she wished to happen. But there is always later. There would be plenty of time later, when the day's work was done and they could settle the pups inside the den. "Maybe tonight," Tahlia whispered, smiling, "we can do this again." Now that she was more confident, she could only imagine everything would be better a second time. And she hoped the thought might keep her husband smiling to himself until nightfall. For now she stayed snuggled close, occasionally pawing again at his neck, nuzzling him with quiet kisses, and waited until the activity of the pack would draw them up and away.

-End Thread-