


07-07-2014, 08:51 PM

Darling? Kellen's ears twitched in faint amusement, but she simply inclined her head towards the queen, smiling a little at the comment. Oh, if only she knew. Kellen was many things, but someone's darling? No, she had to say that she'd never been called that - unless you counted Kristoffer. The strange black male had certainly been an interesting thing. But she had no reason to be thinking of him now, and she certainly wasn't. Kellen pinned her ears back for a moment, giving a lazy shrug as she turned her attention towards the queen - no, kaiser. It had a ring to it, Kellen had to admit.

The russet creature listened solemnly to the words as they spilled from the kaiser's mouth, to the description of the pack and the naming of ranks. Nothing too out of the ordinary, but perhaps it would be a nice change of pace from the pirate crew that had abandoned her. Kellen felt nothing for them now - she wasn't one to cry over spilt milk, but the simple fact of the matter was that they were gone, and that meant that she needed something to follow. Her loyalty was strong but it was fickle and in that moment, Kellen was entirely willing to join a pack. "Kaiser," Kellen began easily, raising her voice to be heard above the muttered conversations. "My name is Kellen O'Malley and I would like to be considered for the rank of J?ger at some point," A hunter, not a fighter. For she had never been the kind of wolf to seek out battles before, though she would still fight for this pack if need be.

The pirate wolf let her voice fall silent, waiting now for the Kaiser to respond and for the other wolves to make their comments heard. All things would come in due time - she was in no rush.
